ios6 simulator 报 Using two-stage rotation animation错
小白的用了xcode4.5,之前跑得好好的程序在ios6上报个Using two-stage rotation animation被遗弃,然后portaitupsidedown不支持旋转了。
小白的用了xcode4.5,之前跑得好好的程序在ios6上报个Using two-stage rotation animation被遗弃,然后portaitupsidedown不支持旋转了。
2022年11月16日 03:57
There may be a problem with the iOS 6 simulator and the way it handles rotation animations. When using the simulator, you may see how do you get gout a message that says "Using two-stage rotation animation." This is most likely due to a bug in the simulator, and it does not appear to be a problem with your code.
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