mlyixi's Blog


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“well, Daddy w 说:
2017年1月31日 00:28

“well, Daddy would be proud, I think it’s going to be a big penis.” My doctor is HYSTERICAL. He says this in a very thick Israeli accent. I had many ultrasounds with this pregnancy and Quinn was usually sucking his thumb, just like he does now when we snuggle on the couch, four years later. My other baby was also seen sucking his thumb many times via ultrasound and I wish he would do it now! the only thing he wants to suck is my tit!

Ce film est d’ 说:
2017年1月31日 00:25

Ce film est d’une pauvreté scénaristique affligeante et dont la lourdeur est proportionnelle au budget.Quand, à la 3D, comme cela a déjà été dit dans certains commentaires, elle n’apporte rien au film et est franchement gênante.De quelles innovations parlent-on ?Avatar n’est qu’un remix à la sauce MTV d’images de SF mille fois vus.

I don’t even know 说:
2017年1月31日 00:25

I don’t even know how I ended up here, but I thought this post was great. I don’t know who you are but certainly you’re going to a famous blogger if you aren’t already Cheers!

Apple now has Rhapso 说:
2017年1月30日 23:16

Apple now has Rhapsody as an app, which is a great start, but it is currently hampered by the inability to store locally on your iPod, and has a dismal 64kbps bit rate. If this changes, then it will somewhat negate this advantage for the Zune, but the 10 songs per month will still be a big plus in Zune Pass’ favor.

What a fun name. We 说:
2017年1月30日 20:33

What a fun name. We went with a last name for our first born (Schafer) and a well, I guess our second born is a close second with a last name of Grant.

Hei Moa!! Kreative d 说:
2017年1月30日 20:23

Hei Moa!! Kreative du!! Smart og originalt - og veldig inspirerende for en liten skribent... som liker å følge med, vet du.. ;-) Ønsker deg en fiiin onsdag! I dag er det siste dagen jeg er mor til en tenåring... i morgen er hun 20...rart... Klem!

I actually love the 说:
2017年1月30日 19:27

I actually love the look of Angelika! I have Tippy and don't use it that often either, I really should. Alot of my products don't get enough love, is that a sign that I have too many? NEVER. :P

pull out method work 说:
2017年1月30日 18:55

pull out method worked 100% of the time with my ex. but choose your positions wisely! once we were in this position where i couldn’t pull out quick enough, i was sort of sitting cross-leggedish and she was sitting on me… absolutely humping me and i shot on her down stroke. hahaha. actually it’s less funny than it sounds, she ended up having to take the pill. apart from that pull out method works fine if the guy is in touch with his knob, so to speak.

Je mets au défi n&r 说:
2017年1月30日 18:53

Je mets au défi n’importe quel quinqua « de base » de parler plusieurs langues ou de se servir d’un ordinateur mieux qu’un étudiant de 25 ans son cadet.Si vous choisissez vous-même les critères de jugement de ce qu’est la décadence scolaire..

Baited someone who u 说:
2017年1月30日 18:49

Baited someone who used the "WMD's" line on twitter today. Conversation went like this:Them: "Semi-automated [sic] rifle used 2 kill kids in Newtown is weapon of mass destruction"Me: "Just a question: Do you believe WMD's were found in Iraq?Them: "Nope, that was the GOP lie that was force-fed to Americans which led 2 lots of senseless deaths"Me: "You took that bait way too easily. #workseverytime"

I see where you went 说:
2017年1月30日 18:14

I see where you went wrong. You actually looked up the term and used facts. Conservatives don't understand facts and data. You see why they love teh stupid.

Steve Sinofsky and h 说:
2017年1月30日 16:46

Steve Sinofsky and his coterie- the George W. Bush of Microsoft. He is clearly driving the company to a ditch.Love him or hate him, Sinofsky has saved Microsoft's arse by producing an OS that is gaining market share.

Congratulations for 说:
2017年1月30日 15:41

Congratulations for being in top 25, you really deserve it. This is a wonderful blog with free recipes and beautiful photos.Thanks for sharing the cider recipe, it looks delicious.Have a nice Pink Saturday!

Yes, I did notice th 说:
2017年1月30日 14:02

Yes, I did notice the restaurant tour. Impressive! I’ve never been to any of them but some friends ate at Hells Kitchen just a couple weeks ago.

Bestell für mic 说:
2017年1月30日 13:57

Bestell für mich bitte 1 Stück mit.Wird ja dann sicher auch Email2Croissant Technik haben.Der Preis soll gerüchteweise ja nicht über Euro 19,99 liegen.lg, twk

C'est une des plus b 说:
2017年1月30日 13:14

C'est une des plus belles choses dans la cuisine : la transmission. Tu apprendras ensuite cette recette à tes enfants, à moins qu'ils ne mettent déjà la main à la pâte ?! En tous cas, je vais essayer quand la t° sera un peu plus basse ! Merci !